« Class and static methods in python 08 Mar 2014
Last week we had a nice conversation during a python code review about when class and static methods should be used, or either they should not be used at all.
Find below my opinions around this topic, feel free to comment and bring some discussion .
In general, you should think about moving a class or static method to the module that holds the class definition. As you may well know, functions are first class citizens in python:
class Foo(object):
VALUES = ('1', '2', '3')
def __init__(self, bar):
self.bar = bar
def get_values():
return VALUES
This snippet can be refactored to:
def get_foo_values():
return Foo.VALUES
class Foo(object):
VALUES = ('1', '2', '3')
def __init__(self, bar):
self.bar = bar
Some exception that might apply:
The class provides several staticmethod to validate attributes, retrieve class information, etc. Moving all these methods might fill up the module with too many definitions that are clearly tight to a specific class.
The module holds several classes
You want to define an auxiliar method to create an instance, and you want the childs to be able to override the initialization (think if you should use composition instead of inheritance!):
PROPERTIES = {'name': 'john',
'surname': 'doe',
'age': 28,
'email': 'john@pollinimini.net'}
class Foo(object):
def from_properties(cls, properties):
ins = cls()
for k, v in properties.iteritems():
ins.k = v
return ins
def __str__(self):
return ', '.join(self.__dict__.keys())
class Bar(Foo):
def from_properties(cls, properties):
ins = super(Bar, cls).from_properties(properties)
ins.deferred = True
return ins
print Foo.from_properties(PROPERTIES)
print Bar.from_properties(PROPERTIES)
The output of the program is:
age, surname, name, email
deferred, age, surname, name, email
Bar includes an additional attribute to the instance, but the preliminar instance initilization is similar to what Foo does.
There are other alternatives to the class method in this case though:
defining a factory class to return the proper class.
define a function that receives as parameter a function to be applied while defining the instance:
PROPERTIES = {'name': 'john',
'surname': 'doe',
'age': 28,
'email': 'john@pollinimini.net'}
def create_foo_with_function(properties, func=None):
ins = Foo.from_properties(properties)
if func:
return ins
class Foo(object):
def from_properties(cls, properties):
ins = cls()
for (k, v) in properties.iteritems():
ins.__setattr__(k, v)
return ins
def __str__(self):
return ', '.join(self.__dict__.keys())
# Create a Foo instance
print create_foo_with_function(PROPERTIES)
# Create a Bar instance
print create_foo_with_function(PROPERTIES,
lambda ins: ins.__setattr__('deferred', True))
Happy coding!
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